Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Useful tips

Some useful tips you never knew you needed!

Non Stick Oven Tray
Silicone non stick oven tray, you put it on a normal oven tray and literally ANYTHING you cook does NOT stick!  It's honestly one of the best things I've even bought!

Fabric Softener Alternative 
Fill a normal sized water bottle (any bottle) with water and a shot sized amount of white vinegar and 2 tea spoons of bi carb, shake to mix together.  Use instead of fabric softener.  It works just as well on your clothes, they still smell fresh (not of fish and chips don't worry!) and it helps keep the pipes and detergent draw of the washing machine clean and not clogged up.

Measuring Cup
A cooks measuring cup.  Has every conceivable measurement in it (g, lb, oz, American 'cups,' ml, pints etc).  Used it so many times and always works out fine.

Polishing Silver Jewellery
Toothpaste!! Honestly it really works! Put toothpaste on a cloth and polish your silver jewellery.

And finally, it's got to be said on my last blog before the May half term, so won't publish one next week, always laugh or you might cry and alwas trust your maternal instincts! Xx

Happy half term everyone! Xx

Tuesday, 15 May 2018


Get home from work on Friday evening to be met by 7-year-old year old asking 'Mummy have you got any men?!!'

She was referring to if I had got any pictures of romans that she could copy for a school project! Funnily enough not something that was on my to do list at work!

I'm then greeted by 4-year-old who is hoola hooping in the garden (swinging hoola hoop around his neck!) whilst modelling school shorts that are slightly too long, socks and sandals!

7-year-old then welcomes Daddy home by informing him 'Daddy, Mummy's got some men!!'

And finally (as some of my Facebook followers will remember from Friday) 4-year-old threw a bouncy ball straight into my wine! Although I applaud his good shot, I also have to tell him off and hide the silent hysterics!

Have a lovely day everyone xx

Sunday, 13 May 2018

Maternal Instincts website

I'd like to share with all my readers that I now have a website -


Give it a look, and as requested on the 'around the world' page, if you fancy it, leave me a comment on the webpage or a message on one of my social media pages as to where in the world you are, also any pics you may have of my book 'on tour!'.  I'd love to find out how far my readers are spread (ing!)

Also, don't forget, my book is now available on Amazon in paperback and on Tuesday 15th May 2018, the kindle edition will be released.


Much love to all xx

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Book Wise

To my work colleague, you actually gave me some inspiration for a little bit more advertising the other day when you told me to blog about book wise!

Only I'm not blogging about the meeting room booking system at work, more about actually being 'book wise!'

So, I've recently added my paperback to Amazon.com (USA) and Amazon.fr as well as a few others.  This move paid off almost immediately when friends in France and New York ordered their copies and then shared my Facebook post all around their friends who are in various countries!

To everyone who sees my blog/Facebook/Instagram posts, or has bought the book already, or generally just knows me, feel free to share the information around, copy links etc.  Let's get the word out!

Here's a snippet from one of the pages in the book to hopefully get some more blog readers interested!

..........smaller child announcing 'mummy I've drawn a picture of a poo!'  7 year old then joins in with some actual conversation along the lines of 'mummy we've been learning about excretion today!'  Having visions of 3 year old going into nursery tomorrow (for his last morning before leaving to start school in September) and shouting all about excretion at the top of his voice!

So, although none of us can answer why my colleague was having difficulty cancelling a meeting room, hopefully I may have helped drum up some more readers and sales!

And I'd also like to add a note that I cannot bring myself to blog about the subject that was being discussed in the office on Friday afternoon and I refer you to the above!  I'll leave all your minds boggling!   😉

Much love xx

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

My book is now available to buy!

I'm afraid I haven't had a chance to write a proper blog post this week due to trying to get my book publication finished on Amazon.

So here's the link in case anyone would like to purchase.


The paperback is available NOW and the kindle edition will follow on 15th May (can be pre ordered now).

You can also follow me on Facebook

And Twitter

Thank you to everyone for their support.