Tuesday, 26 June 2018

The new 8-year-old

So 7-year-old is now 8-year-old.

How did this happen! How did the young baby who was once photographed licking my parent's patio doors turn into an 8-year-old in the blink of an eye!  (As a note, she no longer licks patio doors!)

Honestly, you have a baby (babies) and you drag yourself through the baby stage of sleepless nights, 3 hourly feedings, 5 minutely nappy changes.  Into watching them learn to crawl, walk, talk. Start nursery and school. Then the next minute they're 8, about to finish year 3 of school, and sometimes I don't always feel there's much I can teach her.

She corrects me on grammar and times tables. If writing something she'll twist sentences around to make them sound better (and I'm the one that apparently wrote my own book!!)

Each phase of parenting passes in a flash. You'll always think the stage you're at now is the hardest. Time and circumstances move on and each day you wonder why you worried about all the stuff that's gone, and each day presents you with new challenges you never dreamt of!

I look at my friends with older children and think 'oh God how will I cope with that in the future!'  Then I look at my friends with younger children and am partly glad I've gone past the baby stage, whilst also enjoying holding a light weight 'lap sized' child for 5 minutes!

So here we go, the year of the 8-year-old has begun!


Tuesday, 19 June 2018

A week in the life of.......

Well what can I say? This week, for clarification that is within the next 7 days, there is

2x sports days
1x school trip
2.5 extra work hours on a different day to normal
1x day trip out (not for me)
1x hair cut
X1 afternoon at my parents' house
1x collection of a few cup cakes
1x 7-year-old turning into an 8-year-old

And my book (both paperback and kindle edition) being reduced in price for 1 week!  Got to get the advertising in wherever possible! Have a look now at


Anyway, it's just one week but let's see how much we can cram in!  I prescribe caffeine and/or wine!

Good luck everyone!! 😀

Tuesday, 12 June 2018

Being Me

They say before you judge anyone you should imagine walking in their shoes, because everyone's fighting a battle you know nothing about.

If you've ever heard of, or wondered what skin atrophy looks like, this is it.

This is my left arm last week.

Skin atrophy is the thining of the skin due to prolonged use of hydrocortisone or steroid creams.

It means I only have to breathe in the direction of a door or wall or something I may possibly knock into, and I have a bruise.

It means I invested in a cold shoulder top just to try and hide a couple of bruises.

It means I tan easily, which may sound an advantage, but I'd probably tan in December if I wore short sleeves and the sun made a brief appearance!

The cure, not much really. Yes I don't use the hydrocortisone as much now, but if I want my skin to look normal, even if only for 5 minutes before I breathe in the direction of a door handle! Then some use of it is necessary.

So I will be wearing my short sleeved and sleeveless tops this summer and I will have marks on my arms that make me look like I've been beaten up!  But please know, that my skin is actually better than it's ever been these days. That's partly hydrocortisone, partly circumstances.

Much love xx

Wednesday, 6 June 2018


Well hello all, I've survived half term and had a lovely little family break away!

Normality resumed on Monday with a thump as usual!  Was lovely to come back to the hot weather over the weekend though.

However, although I refer to it as normality, how many 'normal' weeks include going to the pub on a Wednesday lunch time?! May be don't answer that! Well it is my Dad's birthday!

Also how many 'normal' weeks include consoling your 7-year-old because she 'caught her bottom on the step in the garden!' Don't ask! I don't know how either!  She's now having hysterics, whilst laying in the feotal position on the kitchen floor, so apparently not a complete disaster after all!

Well I think I'll have a little drink tonight after surviving the first half of this apparently 'normal' week!
