Monday, 23 December 2019

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!  To all parents, we made it!! 😀
We've survived the whirlwind of one of the busiest months in the school calendar, we're still in one piece, a bit financially weather beaten maybe, but it will all be worth it to see the little darlings' happy faces on Xmas morning!

Here's to family and friends and festive cheer.

Here's to some time off work/school all 4 of us together.

Here's to the end of the arguments (every few seconds) over which toy 6-year old would actually like for Christmas!  He's been so indecisive this year, every night he's saying 'but Mummy I can't possibly sleep without....' whichever toy it is, a different one every night!

Here's to having successfully made it look like Santa and Rudolph have eaten the mince pie and carrots left by the front door!  Not sure how long we can get away with this charade with 9-year-old!

Here's to eating and drinking too much!

Here's to sitting down this evening, once the little darlings are finally asleep, with a glass of something toasting the season, but most of all, just being grateful that the noise has stopped! Until tomorrow morning!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

Best wishes for 2020.  xx