Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Don't Spoil the Illusion

My 10 year old has this week announced that she knows the Tooth Fairy, Santa and the Easter Bunny are all just really Mummy and Daddy!

This started because both she and her little brother had wobbly teeth at the same time.  It was my son's first wobbly tooth and he was making quite a drama out of it!

So 10 year old, out of the blue, announced that she knows the Tooth Fairy is just Mummy really.  I ask how she found out,  well it's thanks to another child at school telling the whole class!  Under my breath I'm saying to her 'don't spoil the illusion for your brother!' 

Then when 6 year old is out of ear shot, we have a conversation about it all, and she tells me one of her friends already told her that Santa is not real.  I ask her what she thinks of the Easter Bunny and she replies with 'oh I never really thought that was real thing anyway Mummy!' 🤣🤣

So there we have it, 2 weeks into being a 10 year old, and she's grown up a million times over already! 


Wednesday, 13 May 2020

Saturday evenings in lockdown

Since lockdown, on Saturday evenings we go to the pub (our house)!  We have a few drinks sitting on the picnic tables in the pub garden (our garden)!

We hear music in the background (the radio) and smell the pub grub being cooked (the neighbours' dinner)!! 

We then stagger to the cinema (the living room) and choose a family friendly film. 

I then have to remember to actually cook the dinner!! 

I hope you are all finding ways to enjoy your time, even in lockdown.  Much love xx

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

The 9 and 6 wisdoms - part 2

So 6 months later, here's some more 'wisdoms' courtesy of my children.

'Mummy I can't find my bot bot!'  That never gets old!!  Mini Transformer toys in case anyone is wondering!

'But Mummy it's a really important stick!'

I'm hearing sounds of arguing at 7.05am, investigate to find they're arguing over bin bags!

'Mummy I need my body warmer, my coat and a jumper.'  I wouldn't have been bothered if we were in fact getting ready for school.  However , it was almost bed time, he was wearing pyjamas and apparently needed to be dressed as some sort of 'ranger' from Jurassic Park!

One evening recently, bed time went like this -

Daddy to 9 year old - 'there was a question on Mastermind - a cockapoo is a cross between a cocker spaniel and what else?' 

9 year old - 'a POO (long pause) dle!! '

9 year old - doing a magazine quiz -
'Name a type of job?' 

6 year old -
'Basset Hound!' 

I can honestly say, this is a conversation I never thought I'd have! -

Me to 9 year old - 'The soap you made st school seems to be 'melting' over the bathroom sink.'

9 year old - 'But Mummy when I used it just now, I only used the one that looked like bogies!'

Follow my Facebook or Twitter pages to keep up with the 9 and 6 wisdoms!!


Thursday, 26 March 2020

Lets all support each other

Time for the inevitable emotional post!

With everything that's going on at the moment, we all need to support each other.

Last weekend, I drove away from my brother knowing I probably won't see him, or my parents, or the dog, for weeks.  I know there's Facetime, video calls etc (thankfully we live in a world of technology), and as entertaining as it was trying to get us all on video chat, 😂 it's still not the same.

We had met up, very briefly, in Tesco's car park to do what looked like a dodgy deal!  As it's not recommended for children to spend a lengthy time with grandparents at the moment, I had given him chocolate and Mother's Day cards to take back to my mum.

My husband asked me that evening,  if I feel like this is all very difficult?

Yes of course it is.

I can't do all the child care juggling,  and work (key worker), and isolation when we are home, without his support.
And likewise,  he needs my support.

The kids need both of us.

To my work colleagues, thank you for all of us working together.

I'm genuinely grateful for my friends and neighbour's who have asked after us,  and vice versa, I've checked in with several friends.

We're all here for everyone.  We're all in it together.  Stay safe everyone. Lots of love. Xx

Thursday, 19 March 2020

Mothers Day - From a Mother

For Mother's Day, what I actually want is -

I want to use the loo ....... alone
I want you to get dressed, and not find you twenty minutes later wearing nothing but your underwear and one wellie!

I want you to tidy up your own stuff. How simple is that? Our living room constantly looks like the box of cardboard recycling has been emptied on the floor!

I want to cook a meal (well actually I'd rather not cook!) and have it eaten without fuss.

I want you to sit properly on / or stand properly at, the toilet!  My 6 year old son, is trying to master 'going' standing up. He generally gets the giggles after 5 seconds,  can't control himself and has to sit down in a hurry!

Most importantly........ when you go to bed, go to sleep! Seriously it's the only time I get to just sit quietly, and watch what I want!  If I'm going to tolerate your tantrums over your sock feeling funny, I need some 'chill out' time!

Pretty certain none of the above will happen, on Mother's Day or any other day! 

In fact,  the kids go to a Mother's Day market at school, which basically means I pay for my own Mother's Day gifts!  They get sent through the gate on that morning, with the highest of warnings, not to buy me oven gloves, no matter how pretty! 😂

But lots of love to all the mothers' out there, not just on Mother's Day, but all of the time.


Wednesday, 11 March 2020

Statements of fact - spring 2020

In approx 2 and a half weeks the clocks will change and it will be light in the evenings.

In approx 2 and a half weeks the clocks will change, except the one in my car which I will attempt to ignore for at least a few months!!

It is now a known fact that it will rain every weekend!

But look happy, Easter is coming!

It will feel like only 5 minutes since the kids were last on holiday!

My 9 year olds Christmas chocolate will last until Easter!

My 6 year olds Christmas chocolate was gone by 27th December!

And now, given a recent tragic event, can I just say -

Social media does not tell you the whole, or even the true story.

It's ok to not be ok all of the time.

And in a world where you can be anything, be kind.


Monday, 2 March 2020

Muddy Trousers

Muddy Trousers!
Not baggy trousers, but muddy trousers!
On Saturday, we attempted to walk across from McDonalds to Pets at Home, because 6-year-old insisted we go into the pet shop as to him that’s as good as going to a children’s farm attraction!  This (usually 5-minute walk) is a dice with death, walking down a muddy, wet, grassy bank (because there’s no path or proper road crossing), in 50mph gale force wind and rain!
6-year-old is holding my hand but as per all 6-year-olds, he does not walk normally!  So, he slips on the muddy, wet, grassy bank, and of course takes me with him!
We both do as all humans do, jump back up and try not to make eye contact with any of the people driving in and out of McDonalds!  I give 6-year-old a look from hell followed by reading him the right act on why you must walk normally!  And breathe a sigh of relief that 9-year-old does not have her own phone yet!
Trip to Pets at Home abandoned, in favour of going back home to change both mine and his jeans, trainers and coats.
We did eventually go back out in clean attire, but we did not go to Pets at Home!

Saturday, 18 January 2020

A Mid January Resolution

Well as most of you know, I don't do new year's resolutions generally.  I have no desire to give up caffeine or start unnecessarily running everywhere!

However,  today I have come to the resolution that.............

Sometimes, things don't always go according to plan. You wish your daughter hadn't spilt that orange juice and your son hadn't thrown that tantrum over half a drawing of a 'Transformer' that hadn't gone quite right!
You get fixated on the fact it wasn't as you had imagined when you planned it.

But the truth is, my girlie friends turned up when I asked them to, for a pre birthday catch up.  We drank coffee, ate cake, compared notes on toilet training and realised that all us mothers, and all those parents around us are probably in the same boat!  We're all in Costa on  Saturday morning,  laughing and making everything a little bit better.

And as for things not going quite as you'd like, it's Saturday evening and I've just had to shout to my 6 year old to put his pants back on.............and...........take a pair of his sister's pants off his head!!

So as 41 looms, happy weekend everyone and thank you to my girlie friends who came when I called!!
