17th July 2017
Came home from work to find an extreme close up mug shot of my daughter stuck to bathroom door! When asked said daughter 'why is your face on the bathroom door?' Reply was a resounding 'dunno!'
This joyful conversation was followed by the smaller child announcing 'mummy I've drawn a picture of a poo!' 7 year old then joins in with some actual conversation along the lines of 'mummy we've been learning about excretion today!' Having visions of 3 year old going into nursery tomorrow (for his last morning before leaving to start school in September) and shouting all about excretion at the top of his voice!
At this point I've still only been home 5 minutes!
Evening continues on with the usual blackmail required to get 3 year old to eat dinner and ninja warrior skills needed (whilst not dropping glass of wine) to get 3 year old to put tambourine down while he's still eating dinner!
Now at 9.10pm, 7 year old is still awake stating its more comfortable to sleep on the floor, well go on then try it and we'll see how long you last.
So at the risk of making myself cry the night before my youngest leaves nursery for the last time tomorrow lunch time, I'm watching 'Marley and Me!' And yes I'm drinking rose wine and tea along side each other! Cheers everybody. Xx
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