Saturday, 26 August 2017

The Great Folkestone Bake Off!

With 3 year old turning 4 this week and a couple of celebrations as a result of this, it has been like The Bake Off round here! 

In the past 9 days I have made blackberry and apple crumble twice, 2 chocolate birthday cakes and 12 cup cakes!  Photo evidence below!  I think all were a success.

I've got to admit that, although all home made, the dinosaur toppers were purchased from Amazon!  Very impressed at around £3 for 12 from The Party Company.  I also cheated on the green icing, Tesco ready to roll!

Got 7 year old involved in all baking, with tempers running high at the point of trying to get her to use a ruler to make the '4' stencil used for the green 4 on one of the cakes!  And once we had found ruler, let's just say I hope in year 3 at school they teach them to use a ruler and what the actual point of it is!!

So after having now 4 year old's birthday play date this afternoon I now need a sit down but unfortunately the hoover is calling me!!

Have a good weekend everybody.  Xx

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