Sunday, 8 October 2017

A thought for a Sunday evening

So the last 2 Sundays have resulted in tricky questions from 7-year-old.  2 weeks ago it was 'Mummy what's sex!'  Then last week it was 'Daddy how can that lady have a wife!'

Hmm I wonder what tonight's little gem will be!

Perhaps, 'why are we human?'  or 'what's the universe?' 

How about 'Mummy why is your body different to mine?!'

I admit I almost started this conversation with her yesterday by accident!  And as I sit here trying to remember exactly how the conversation started for the sake of this sentence, she's sitting right beside me, so need to resist the urge to ask her what we were chatting about!  Thankfully she's engrossed on the tablet so she isn't actually looking over my shoulder at this moment!

Ahh I remember now, she was asking if her little brother will ever be taller than her.  I said yes probably and as you both get older and to a point where your bodies are changing that's when you'll probably notice your brother may be taller than you.  'Your body changes Mummy?'  'Yes as you get older, not yet though.'  'You mean your hair gets shorter?!'  'No, you choose whether that happens (usually).  Some changes you have no choice over.'
Oh why oh why did I start this conversation!

It actually ended at that point as she got distracted by something else, probably little brother.

Little brother is currently sat on floor, wearing nothing but pants, laughing hysterically at something blowing raspberries on TV! At this moment the thought of him being older and taller than his sister, or me, seems so far away!


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