Tuesday, 24 April 2018

The Spring Onion

So having had a really nasty bout of the flu last week, missing the start of the spring sunshine to stay shut in the dark and the only thing I actually wanted to consume was ibuprofen, at the end of the week when I started to feel better I was really glad of a good laugh at my son's expense!

I found hitting the medication 1 hour prior to the school run gave me just enough life to survive it! But talking or even looking at anyone else was a no no!  I would like to apologise to any of my mummy friends if i ignored you last week!

Anyway, back to the actual point of this post, the spring onion!

4-year-old looks generally grubby and covered in paint or pen when he gets home from school, and this particular day the little gremlin was sitting beside me and  I did wonder why I could smell what I thought was cheese and onion crisps!

A little later, after allowing him outside for 30 seconds, in the incredibly bright oh my eyes! My eyes! sunshine, to water his little pot of primroses, he returns back inside, tells daddy all about the watering and then produces a spring onion out of his trouser pocket! Says he had forgotten it was in there! So now I know why I could smell onion, and I ask him how long it has actually been in there? 'Only today Mummy, I found it on the school field!'  Thank goodness for that! Thought it might have been in there for weeks!

Much love everyone, I am back in the land of the living! Xx

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