Wednesday, 22 August 2018

5 is the new 4

So my 4-year-old is 5 tomorrow!

He's already had a little party with some friends, 2 1/2 hours of little boys (& a couple of girls) charging round our house!

But they enjoyed themselves and I enjoyed the compulsory glass of wine that every parent needs following a kids party!

So as I did with my blog post after my daughters birthday, here's the baby versus the almost 5-year-old pics!

Pictured above with his big sister as it's one of the only decent and recent pictures I have of him!

I can't believe where the time has gone to be honest, or that he has finished 1 year of school, about to start the next and just as he reaches 5, some of his friends will start turning 6!

So happy end of the summer holidays to you all.  In 13 days they return to school and we can all start cursing the alarm clock again!!


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