Thursday, 13 December 2018

Christmas 'Tails'

So to say my 8-year-old wasn't very amused to be cast as the back end of a cow for her school Christmas play is an understatement!  I wasn't too amused either!  She literally did get the 'tails' end of the deal instead of 'heads!!'

However I've got to say that 'Tail' did brilliantly well!  Turns out that the back and front ends of the cow (Tail and Moo!) were separate characters who spend the whole play running around looking for each other, why?...................................  Because the wicked witch has cut the cow in half of course!

They played it brilliantly and the whole of the year group did exceptionally well.  And of course, if my daughter's going to be the back end of a cow then she WILL have a tinsel tail!!

Of course I must also say well done to my 5-year-old and his year group for their nativity last week.  It's been a very 'farm animal' sort of year with Christmas plays as my son was a sheep!

I hope everyone's kiddies involved in a festive play have done fabulous performances.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all. Xx 🎄

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