Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Statements of Fact Part 3

Well it's been a while but here's a new 'Statements of Fact.'

1.  Don't try to please everyone you see, you are not a bar of chocolate or a bottle of wine!

2.  Always try to do something that tomorrow's you will thank you for, even if it's peel the spuds for tomorrow night's dinner!

3.  If I don't write these down while I'm thinking of them, I will forget them!

4.  Don't give up, it will be the end of the school summer holidays soon!

5.  I knew I'd be writing this post being unable to remember what fact number 1 is!  Should have written them down!

6.  If something inspires you and spurs you on, whether it's something you saw on TV, or reading another bloggers post or something that someone said, don't feel guilty about where that inspiration came from.

7.  I've remembered fact 1!

8.  It's 8.50am and in just over an hour we're going out, so I really must get on!  Or I won't have time to go through the drive through on the way!

Have a lovely day everyone xx


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