Thursday, 21 September 2017

Endless questions

Having an academic 7-year-old growing up before your eyes is one thing but nobody prepares you for the endless curiosity in the form of never ending questioning!

Every other word she reads results in 'what does it mean?' 

Then there's the daily questions such as -

Where  have you been today Mummy?
What time is Daddy coming home?
WHAT ARE YOU DOING? Usually directed at younger brother!
Can we have prawn crackers?
What's for dinner?
What time is dinner?
What time are you going to bed?
Can I watch the Bake Off?
When does 'Strictly' start?
Is twilight after sunset?
Is dawn in the morning?

Then there's the more taxing subjects such as -

What is your soul?
Do you think the Tooth Fairy is real?
Are you sure Santa is real?
How do babies get in your tummy?

And God forbid anyone buys her a puzzle book!  You would think with all the question asking that she'd be an extremely intelligent 7-year-old by now, but the truth is that for every puzzle the sound of 'I don't get it' rings out through the house and I try to hide!

Apologies if I'm scaring parents with younger children, with what's potentially to come!  I prescribe coffee and / or wine!


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