So this morning's school run started off no different to any other, a high speed race with the well practiced routine to get out the front door on time. The kids argue about which back door of the car to get in (yes they actually do that!), followed by the fact that undoubtedly they will have got in through the door furthest away from their individual seats, resulting in them trying to squeeze past each other in the back, whilst holding enough baggage to go away for a week!
We park near (ish) the school and walk along the path with me repeatedly shouting at 4-year-old to either slow down or speed up! Why is it they shuffle along dragging their heels and the minute you say speed up they take off like a bullet and you end up having to do an impression of an Olympic sprinter to catch them before they run out in the road!
However, upon walking the final stretch of pathway to the school, 4-year-old starts shouting out that he can smell something. 7-year-old agrees. I can't smell anything. They keep reiterating this fact, until I eventually say maybe there has been some muck spread on the fields.
'What sort of muck Mummy?' (If you've read my previous couple of posts you'll know which child this is asking the questions!)
'Well it's usually horse manure, it's good for the soil and for the crops.'
'Not dog poo then or human poo!'
'No, horse manure is what they usually use.'
Oh I do love a conversation about poo at 8.35 am whilst trying to navigate myself and 2 kids (because they never look where they're going) through all the other parents and children all aiming for the school!
Have a lovely day everybody!
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