Wednesday, 1 November 2017

Our Halloween

I'm slightly delayed doing my blog post this week due to being away last week and then getting back to normality on Monday.  There's the normal returning to work/school after a holiday that nobody likes, and then there's this particular Monday, that's a whole different ball game! 

4-year-old, who had had a nasty cough during half term, didn't sleep past 4am on Monday morning, therefore neither did I!  He then, for the first time, didn't want to go to school.  Kept saying his mouth hurt.  After faffing about for ages, trying to decide whether to send him to school or not, finally I try 'tactics.'  I say to him, 'if your mouth hurts that much we'll have to go to the dentist.'  All of a sudden he decides he should get dressed for school! 

He's still a bit subdued going into school, and big sister helps him go in with all his baggage.  I wonder all day if I will get 'the call' from the school sending him home.  This never occurs.  Therefore, yesterday (Tuesday and Halloween) I am relaxed in the fact that both children are at school and I can go back to normal.

I go round town and pick up a few Halloween things (as we are not organised this year!).  Sweets for the trick or treaters, silly masks for the kids, silly balloons for the kids, silly head bands for the kids!  You get the idea!

I go off to have lunch with my Mum as normal for Tuesdays, and 2 bites into my sandwich, 'school calling!'  4-year-old has been sick.

I race back, and by the time I've got to the school it's less than an hour until normal pick up time anyway and they tell me 4-year-old is actually ok now but nevertheless needs to go home due to the sickness.  Ideally he should be kept off school for 48 hours to prevent any spread of germs. 

However I speak to the teacher who tells me he was only sick because he was coughing so much during PE, and although policy is to keep them off for 48 hours, it can be my choice whether to keep him at home for the full 2 days.  I decide to compromise with the school and keep him off just for 1 day just for caution.  4-year-old is returned to me bright as a button, 'happy as Larry', and asking for chocolate!  Also, just to prove he was absolutely fine, our neighbours call round soon after I arrive home with 4-year-old, offering little chocolate pumpkins for the kids as a Halloween gift, 4-year-old thunders towards the front door grabbing the chocolate and stuffing it in his face, I'm not even sure he removed the wrapping first!

So after going back to the school again 40 minutes later to get 7-year-old, and bribing both kids with the thought of  Halloween treats to get them showered/bathed, we finally embark on Halloween.

Our Halloween, consisted of 7-year old wearing all the silly bits I'd bought her, and posing for the camera, and looking out the window for trick or treaters.  4-year-old, although fine, didn't want to wear his mask, head band or even hold the ghost balloon!  Refused to drink from a straw with a pumpkin on and wouldn't pose for the camera.  The only bit he seemed to enjoy was answering the door to the trick or treaters.  He was shouting 'trick or treat' at them, not sure he's quite got the idea!  I invested in 3 bags of sweets (in past years we've needed more than this), and only 2 lots of kids turned up (total of about 7 sweets given out!!)

So I think Halloween was a bit of a 'flop' really in our house!  Below 1 picture of 7-year-old to prove that my efforts to buy them some Halloween silly fun things didn't go completely wasted!


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