Wednesday, 15 November 2017

Statements of Fact Part 2

Be kind to everyone because you can never tell who has lost an argument with a 4-year-old today!

Silence is golden, unless you're a parent, then it's suspicious!

Hell has no fury like a 4-year-old whose sandwiches have been cut into squares when he wanted triangles!

If you have 1 child then you're a parent. If you have more than 1 child that makes you a referee, nurse, taxi driver, waitress, counsellor etc!!

A 4-year-old takes half hour to put on shoes but can delete apps, phone Australia and text someone in 20 seconds!

We are all braver, stronger and smarter than we think.

Sometimes my 'Mummy' voice is so loud that the neighbours put their shoes on immediately!

Everything in my life has something to do with coffee (and tea)!!

Finally, 1 of my favourite quotes from my favourite US TV series (second of course to 'give me coffee and no-one gets hurt!) - 'people can live 100 years without ever doing anything, so make it count.'


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