Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Happy Birthday to me!

So as I embark on my last 365 days of being a thirty something I wonder where did the time go? How did I get here?!!

This latte loving, mother of 2, school run, part timer wasn't always me!

How did I come to love the Saturday evening's at home, just the 4 of us, watching bad TV and talking absolute waffle!!

Call it old age but I actually like looking at the kitchen stuff in shops! There's a really nice apple pie tin in Sainsbury's!

I also feel, now I'm at this point/age that we're actually 'living' a bit more. Now the kids are both in school, they're that bit older, no toilet training, no changing bag and half the house each time you go out, no pushchair etc.

Having said that there's also a birthday downfall, partly due to having school age children, and partly the curse of a winter birthday is the certainty that someone WILL be ill on my birthday!

Take this year, I was rudely awoken at 5am by 7-year-old coughing, sat in with her for a bit, went back to bed but couldn't sleep as hubby had been poorly too so started wondering if I needed a 'plan b' for my birthday.  Then got up at 7 to sound of 4-year- old shouting  'MUMMY' at the top of his voice.

Spent the next 2 hours downstairs telling 4-year-old to 'be quiet' because his sister and daddy were still sleeping.

Decide to rearrange my plan for the day, meanwhile throwing my parents and brother into turmoil as they suddenly realise they're feeding an extra 3 people for Sunday lunch!

Get back home in the evening and continue to tell 4-year-old to be quiet as I really can't take any more!

7-year-old is now coughing almost continually.
Eventually when everyone else is in bed, I think I might get to watch something I like at least with a glass of wine - no of course not - have to keep running upstairs as 7-year-old is coughing or should I say barking, therefore not sleeping, and sipping the wine is actually making me cough more!

So I've not felt particularly celebratory this year but as above, there are good points, and it's certainly not the end of the world. Its just life.


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