Tuesday, 2 January 2018

Happy new year

So a Happy New Year to everyone.

Has anyone made any new year's resolutions?  Call me pessimistic but personally I don't see the point!  I mean, it's worth it if you're planning on stopping smoking or something life changing but you've still got to really want it.  You've got to be mentally prepared, and personally I don't feel mentally prepared to stop buying lattes, start jogging or even go 'dry January!'

It's taken every ounce of mindful preparation this morning just to organise the kids into helping take the decorations down without any melt downs (from me that is!)  And given that it's raining, yet again, it's going to take some brain power to find something to amuse them this afternoon as well, without getting soaked through, and I don't feel I can accomplish that without a takeaway latte in one hand!

Yes, I got up yesterday morning, not hungover as we didn't party the night away the night before (we watched Harry Potter and were asleep by 11!), and carried on just being the same person I always am.  In case you hadn't gathered from the above, I will continue buying lattes, having the odd glass of wine, and definitely won't be jogging anywhere unless it's some sort of emergency!

So hopefully my regular posts will resume now, provided I get my usual daily inspiration from the small ones in 2018!

See you soon. xx

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