Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Half Term

Well I had a little break last week, not intentionally, but it was half term and I found myself quite busy being social. I'm quite glad we were booked up because these days, now the kids are both at school, they're just not used to spending all day in each other's company! Tug of war over EVERY toy!  4-year-old launching himself at 7-year-old when the only thing she's guilty of is trying to do something by herself for 5 minutes!

Somewhere mixed into the week was pancake day. That evening consists of me standing at the hob making pancakes for everyone else and eventually getting to eat the last one which by that point I'm no longer interested in!  7-year-old attempted to flip a pancake which she did really quite well.  And 4-year-old, as predicted, ended up with a mess of pancake and ice cream in a bowl, neither of which he actually ate!

And as for Valentine's Day when 2 kids are involved!!  We got each other cards and said we'd have takeaway for dinner.
By the evening, after a few hours with friends and their children on a mass half term play date, all children sugared up on muffins/doughnuts, safe to say both kids were going a bit bonkers! The film 'Valentines Day' was on TV so started trying to watch it but impossible to hear it over the sound of a 4-year-old and a 7-year-old hyena!!
By the time we get to ordering takeaway, I've got a 7-year-old on my lap, still laughing like a hyena, and a 4-year-old launching himself at us with a batman mask on and a plastic box on his head!
Who said romance is dead!

So safe to say I'm quite glad this minute to be sat with my coffee, writing this in peace!

Hope everyone had a good half term.

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