He wasn't wrong.
On this particular morning, the kids were going a bit bonkers, charging up and down and for some stupid reason I thought it would be sensible to let them have a biscuit each! So tell 7-year-old to get the biscuit tin, which she does whilst still charging around. Of course, naturally, this results in her tripping over her brother and biscuits going flying all over the carpet!
That evening, 7-year-old makes it a hat trick of sneaking up on me by appearing behind me in the dark in her brother's bedroom! She silently crept in and as I turn round I come face to face (as usual barely a millimetre between us) with a shorter version of myself just the whites of her eyes showing!!
And finally for this week, last night 7-year-old starts doing, what she calls (and insists is called) hair banging!! 😂 shaking her head (and hair) violently to the Ghostbusters theme tune!!
That evening, 7-year-old makes it a hat trick of sneaking up on me by appearing behind me in the dark in her brother's bedroom! She silently crept in and as I turn round I come face to face (as usual barely a millimetre between us) with a shorter version of myself just the whites of her eyes showing!!
And finally for this week, last night 7-year-old starts doing, what she calls (and insists is called) hair banging!! 😂 shaking her head (and hair) violently to the Ghostbusters theme tune!!
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