Tuesday 25 July 2017

Bath time

Put 3 year old in bath, turn my back for 2 seconds to hear 7 year old saying 'don't spit on my bottom!' Investigate to find 7 year old in bath with 3 year old, trousers rolled up but otherwise fully clothed! I tell her if you want to get in that's fine. So she does and antics that follow include 3 year old trying to sit on 7 year olds lap to cries of 'oh you've got a boney..................... bottom!'

Nobody tells you when you're expecting that you'll never be able to shower /bath alone again! Recently daughter walked into shower room whilst I was in there, asking me to help her with her Lego! Brought the whole box with her as well!

3 year old always waits until I'm in shower to use the toilet in the same room in spectacular fashion!

So on that lovely image I'll leave you for now!

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